Thursday, 19 December 2019

SLJ: Day 1 Activity 1


  1. Morena Jake,

    My name is Beren. I am a blog commenter from Auckland and I will be commenting on your blog posts over the summer. I am really looking forward to reading your posts and getting to know more about you.

    Thanks for putting together such a great list of foods. I think most of your food would easily last 3 weeks at sea. I am glad to see weetbix on your list, what a classic kiwi breakfast! What food do you think you would probably eat the most?

    Just so you know, to get full points for this activity, you need to provide a quick explanation for why you chose these foods. You could just add your justification to the comments section if you like. I would be interested to know why these foods made the cut.

    Well done for also remembering to provide image attribution as well. I am eager to see more of your blog posts, keep up the good work!


  2. Hi Jake,

    I am signing off for the year now, but I will be back on the 6th of January to catch up on all your blog posts. Good luck, and enjoy your holidays!



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.