Thursday 10 January 2019

Week 1 Activity 3: Ice, Ice Baby

These are my thoughts and ideas bout keeping safe on the internet.


  1. Great work mate. I like how you have thought about all the things that can keep you safe on your computer. It is really important to keep remembering your cyber safety and digital footprint. I am proud of you for starting some SLJ blogging 💖

  2. Hello Jake,

    Welcome, welcome, what a great start you have made to the Summer Learning Journey programme! I'm Evelyn and I am working with the Summer Learning Journey team for 2018-2019 to read and follow amazing blog posts like yours. I am so excited to read what pops into that wonderful brain of yours and hope you have fun on this journey!

    I am impressed to know that you are well prepared and have a good range of knowledge when it comes to being cyber smart on the internet and creating a positive digital footprint! You are absolutely correct, we must always be aware of what we post on the internet and the sorts of information we share out to the world, well done Jake. That is another good point you have made, we should always approach and ask a trusted adult if we are unsure of anything we come across on the internet. I trust that as long as you continue to follow these rules, you will be on your way to having a safe and fun Summer Learning Journey!

    Happy blogging,
    Evelyn :D

    1. Hi Evelyn. Thank you. I am just learning how to do this with my Mum helping me. I find reading and writing a bit tricky so I am telling Mum what to type. I am having fun learning.



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.